All the excitement with the Leslie Science and Nature Center in 2016 was over their 30th anniversary and especially the exhibition at the Kerrytown Concert House. I was privileged to be one of the Michigan Artists contributing a piece to the exhibition and was able to sell a number of calendars and boxes of blank greeting cards, though sadly my exhibited print was amongst those that was taken home by the artists.
LSNC is the other side of town, and although we did visit early after moving to Ann Arbor, as we visited everything/everywhere, I confess I hadn’t been there since. It took me a few visits to get into the rhythm of the place, but as time went by I got more and more connected and found it a great place to go hike and take photos for an hour or two.
Now that the exhibition is done and gone, I’m going to continue to visit LSNC and Black Pond Woods, and explore the photographic opportunities presented (as well as get some exercise). These photos are from the end of 2016. While the rest of town had cleared of snow, there were still elements to provide contrast and variety in the woods.