The jury for the The Guild of Artists & Artisans has accepted one of my greeting card sets for their 2023 Holiday Artist Market, which runs November 24 – December 23.
The jury for the The Guild of Artists & Artisans has accepted one of my greeting card sets for their 2023 Holiday Artist Market, which runs November 24 – December 23.
I’ve taken four of the photographs I made of flowers in our back garden and put them together into a new boxed set which I am calling “Flora For”. As ever, the cards and envelopes are made from recycled paper materials and I have found a new box which, »
My friend Lynda Cole is a member at the WSG gallery here in Ann Arbor. Through July 8, they are have a ‘Member and Special Guests’ exhibition, and Lynda very kindly invited me to be her guest. I was able to use my new, custom »
I originally wrote this in January, 2021. Now it is August and almost two years since I had my annual check up with my doctor and he thought I should get the heart murmur he could hear checked out.
So it was exactly a year since my surgeon declared that »
Very pleased that this photograph has been selected by the jury for “Fleur”, the second exhibition at the new Gutman Gallery at The Guild of Artists and Artisans office on 4th Street in Ann Arbor, MI. It’s one of the images in my new portfolio gallery »
The print of my SNPA runner-up joined the rest of the exhibition this week as it started its tour around Scotland at Moray Art Centre. To celebrate this, and to get going on redoing all the portfolios, etc on my websites, I have started a new project gallery, Forestry, Woodland, Trees and also redone all of the galleries on my UK site. I won’t be able to make it to this exhibition, so I’m hoping they will send me some photos soon and I can update this entry.
Delighted, honoured, grateful for this recognition of this sample from my series looking at forestry management & woodlands & their effects on »