On the first day of the workshop in Connemara with David Ward we went up the Renvyle Peninsular and at one point stopped in at a beach that on first look didn’t have as much to offer as our previous stop, but on the way down from the main »
On the first day of the workshop in Connemara with David Ward we went up the Renvyle Peninsular and at one point stopped in at a beach that on first look didn’t have as much to offer as our previous stop, but on the way down from the main »
After all the preparations for the show at Kerrytown Concert House and printing the calendar, it was the last minute, week before last, when I entered the UK’s Outdoor Photography magazine’s Outdoor Photographer of the Year competition. I submitted 8 photos to each of 2 categories: At the water’s »
“Is photography art?” was discussed for over a hundred years. The photo-secessionists, like all pictorialists, thought they had in some way to ape painting to be acceptable. Perhaps more success came when photographers accepted the strengths of their own medium and people like Paul Strand, and then the Group f/64, got to work. But »
I’m happy to say I have now read the essays that introduce Color Rush. Interesting stuff. Definitely recommended.
The irony though is that for the last few weeks all the photographs I’ve been working on have been black & white. I think it goes back to my previous comment about ‘gray’ images, and so I wanted to see if I could do a better job with my photographs than I had been. Maybe. »
I walked into town late this afternoon. I put the LX2 in my back pocket – never been able to do that with a camera before. On the way home, there were interesting clouds in the sky and I was taking photos. Though this photo doesn’t have any clouds »
My new 6×6 back arrived (the seller of the faulty one agreed to take it and the 6×9 back back), so I was out this morning testing it. I now have a clear protector for the LCD so I took the LX2 with me to test composition before getting »