Of course, I knew the name Cartier-Bresson, and I could recognize (some of) his more famous photographs, but it seemed he was concerned with street photography, and I was not, and so he did not have much relevance, or interest, to me. Some time back I happened upon a link to a video of an interview Charlie Rose did with him in 2000 and last month I got to watch it. What stood out for me was his personality, his approach to life, and photography, and that made his photography so much more interesting.
I managed to work out which book Charlie Rose had been using in the interview, reviewed it at the local library, saw it was a good selection of his (early) work and well-reproduced, and bought myself a (used) copy. The library also had a DVD on Cartier-Bresson, so I took a look at that, and then looked to see what else was available and found [amazon asin=”B002ZTQVMU”&text=”Henri Cartier-Bresson (Two-Disc Collector& rsquo;s Edition)”] and it came today. It really has a lot of material on it. It will take me a while to watch all of this.