When I got my current camera, I got an adapter so that I could continue to use the appropriate, lightest lenses from my old system, and the adapter has tilt and shift built in, so now all my lenses have tilt and shift, instead of just the couple, of heavy lenses, before that came with it as a built-in feature; except the lens that now equated to the focal length that I had used the most. During focusing, some elements of this lens move backwards, into the body of the camera. Not a problem in normal use, but with the adapter it instantly clashed with the tilt/shift mechanism. A great lens that has been sitting on the shelf unused for too long.
One dat recently, looking at this sad state of affairs again, I theorized that it was the tilt mechanism that was the problem, and that if I got another of their adapters which only had shift, maybe my lens wouldn’t have this problem. The adapter has arrived, and the lens is reborn. This photo is from a walk into town where albeit hand-held, I was able to give the lens a work-out, re-tune my eye to this focal length.