I originally wrote this in January, 2021. Now it is August and almost two years since I had my annual check up with my doctor and he thought I should get the heart murmur he could hear checked out.
So it was exactly a year since my surgeon declared that everything looked good following my heart surgery and I could start getting back to whatever I imagined was life. I managed one session with the rehab team before the pandemic caused everything to be locked down.
Even before my surgery, I had made changes to my equipment, to lighten it, and by a happy coincidence had revived my interest in using machine-made pinhole lenses on a digital camera. I also left the tripod at home. This meant a lot of long, hand-held exposures on a camera that didn’t have any anti-shake, and nor did I. (see above for an extreme example)
With no formal rehab available, I focused mostly on walking. Eventually I switched back to regular lenses and the sun came out, so any shake became more a matter of intent, though rarely completely absent, combining with selective, or sometimes no, focusing.
Apart from a couple of noteworthy events, nothing has been added to this Journal since summer 2019. In fact, my plan to back-fill goes all the way back to our trip to Scotland September 2018. Here’s hoping.
Last summer I made another re-evaluation of how I develop my RAW files, and at the same time switched to using Capture One. Still a lot to learn, and write about. As I back-fill the Journal, this is what I will be using, just as I have for the images here.
This is the first of the new old posts.