We have a huge magnolia tree in our front yard. It keeps getting bigger, but as it ages, bits keep dropping off – it seems particularly at risk during ice storms. It’s actually a little late this year, but each spring we get an amazing display of blossoms. And every year, once the blossoms are fully out, 1 or 2 or even 3 big storms will barrel through until there are no blossoms left. I don’t know what the magnolia gets out of it, or how it knows the storms are coming, but every year it blossoms at just the “right” time. So, earlier this week, we had 24 hours where it just poured down (as well as massive lighting and thundering). And then today, quite windy, gusts supposedly up to 30, 40 even 50 mph. Petals were coming off the tree like pink rain. So I thought I’d go take some photos. Of course, the gusts were never that strong while I was out, and it was midday sun, but this one has some of the feel of the event.